Radio programs
Presented with Eddy Pay on KPFA 94.1 FM.
Photo by Oscar Maurer
Na Cabeça and other treats
The ten albums we feature include Na Cabeça (Marcos Sacramento); Terno Carioca Interpreta Claudionor Cruz (Terno Carioca); Rogério Caetano (Rogério Caetano); Sagrado Profano (Felipe Radicetti); DualogyMichiel Buursen Plays Jobim (Michiel Buursen); Dia Santo (Jam da Silva); Estrada Real de Villa Rica (Celso Adolfo); Tudo Que Respira Quer Comer (Carlos Careqa); Invisível Cordão (Vocal Brasileirão); and Mestre Waltel (Orquestra à Base de Sopro). See album covers and links to artists websites.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009 Valserestas Brasileiras
We feature a live concert recording by Marcos Sacramento and Luiz Flavio Alcofra of late 1930s and early 40s songs originally recorded by Orlando Silva, whose historic recordings of the same songs are also included. We finish with four tracks from Paulo Bellinatis recently released CD A Felicidade (GSP).
Tuesday, 31 March 2009 A Centennial Tribute to Cartola
Friday, 21 November 2008 The Bahian Sambas of Dorival Caymmi
Friday, 1 August 2008 A Tribute to Ary Barroso, part 2
The second of two programs dedicated to the great songwriter, including historic and contemporary recordings by Brazils top performing artists. See playlist.
Friday, 30 November 2007 A Tribute to Ary Barroso, part 1
The first of two programs dedicated to the great songwriter, including historic and contemporary recordings by Brazils top performing artists. See playlist.
Friday, 16 November 2007 Jazz & Bossa Nova
We feature selections from three recently released CDS: Na Hora da Paixão with Viviane de Farias; Outro Rio with Ricardo Silveira; and Tempo Feliz with Paulinho Garcia.
Friday, 24 August 2007 Rodrigo Lessa
We play tracks from Rodrigo Lessas vocal disc Fora de Esquadro, whose songs were composed by Lessa, with lyrics by Mauro Aguiar. See playlist.
Friday, 20 July 2007 Pixinguinha 110 Anos
We celebrate Pixinguinhas 110th birthday (23 April) with a selection of his choros and afro-sambas in mostly rare and unreleased recordings. See playlist.
Friday, 20 April 2007 Harvey Wainapel & Paulo Bellinati: New Choros of Brazil
We interview clarinetist-saxophonist-composer Harvey Wainapel and play tracks from the CD New Choros of Brazil. Harvey talks about his connections to Brazilian music and previews three tunes from his upcoming CD, Amigos Brasileiros.
Friday, 2 March 2007 Marcos Sacramento: Sacramentos
We play tracks from Marcos Sacramentos latest CD and compare them to original recordings by Carmen Miranda, Orlando Silva, Aracy de Almeida, Isaura Garcia, and Luiz Gonzaga, among others.
Friday, 9 February 2007 Guinga
A selection from the composers body of work, performed by various artists. See playlist.
Friday, 24 November 2006 Marcos Sacramento & Carlos Fuchs: Fossa Nova
We play tracks from Fossa Nova, along with fossa velha songs recorded by Nora Ney: Ninguém Me Ama (Antônio Maria/Fernando Lobo) and Castigo (Dolores Duran). Also included is what may be Sacramentos earliest song in this genre, the unreleased Noite (Paulo Baiano/Marcos Sacramento).
Friday, 27 October 2006
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