The Boeuf chronicles, Pt. 27
Tupinambá’s curtain call.
9 November 2002 & 4 November 2010
Marcelo TupinambáIn the course of this series, we visited Marcelo Tupinambá six times (not counting the introductory article), for each of the previous occurrences of a tune of his in Le Boeuf sur le Toit. On four of those occasions, we also had a fleeting encounter with the lyricist Arlindo Leal. As Tupinambá bows out with his seventh tune, we should devote a few words to Leal. After all, having co-authored five works that figure in Le Boeuf, he is second only to Tupinambá on the most-quoted list.
Arlindo Leal was born in São Paulo in 1871, and nobody seems to know when or where he died. In an appendix to the book Marcelo TupinambáObra Musical de Fernando Lobo by Benedicto Pires de Almeida, Leal is described as one of the most active theatrical authors during the 1910s and 20s, as well as being a journalist, poet, and contributor to regional literature. In 1903 he co-founded a newspaper called Vida Paulista, of which one copy of the first issue is preserved in the rare books section of the Mário de Andrade Library.
Leals theatrical output included comedies, operettas, revues, and burlesques. He was particularly interested in regionalism at a time when country life in the south was absorbing an influx of sertanejo customs and expressions imported from the north and northwest. His theatrical productions were equally successful in Rio de Janeiro as in São Paulo. In the early 20s he co-authored several carnaval songs with the famous guitarist Américo Jacomino (Canhoto).
Songs by Marcelo Tupinambá & Arlindo Leal
01. Acugelê! Acubabá!* (tanguinho)
02. Ai... Ai... (tanguinho)
03. Ao Som da Viola (tango)
04. Baubuleta* (modinha)
05. Chão Parado (tango)
06. Chorão (tango)
07. Caboclo do Norte (tango)
08. Deixa Está (tanguinho)
09. Finório (tango-sertanejo)
10. Maricota, Sai da Chuva (tanguinho)
11. Meiga (valsa)
12. Por Ti (valsa)
13. Que Sodade (tanguinho [cena sertaneja])
14. Ruâna (sertaneja)
15. Sou Batuta* (tango)
16. Toada (tanguinho)
17. Tristeza de Caboclo (tanguinho [toada])
18. Trigueira (tanguinho)
19. Viola Cantadeira (tanguinho [canção sertaneja])* Leal signed these as José Eloy.
Advertising bill listing 15 Tupinambá compositions
(including Sou Batuta) performed by Os DanilosTune No. 27: Sou Batuta (1919)
The tanguinho Sou Batuta was published by Campassi & Camins CEMB (Casa Editora Musical Brasileira) in the same year as the monster hit Tristeza de Caboclo. The piano-score cover lists both tanguinhos among 25 tunes in the Repertorio Sertanejo dos Celebres Duettistas Os Danilos (many of the others were also composed by Tupinambá). On the same score cover, Sou Batuta is advertised as Sucesso da Orchestra Andreozzi de Rio de Janeiro.
The Funarte 78-rpm disc database at Fundação Joaquim Nabuco shows no recordings by Os Danilos and none of Sou Batuta, but it does list six Tupinambá tunes recorded by Orchestra Andreozzi: the tanguinhos Tietê, A Vida É Essa, Sertanejinha, and Toada; the waltz Alma em Flor; and the sertaneja Ruanaall on the Odeon label.
Sou Batuta begins at 14:49 min. into Louis de Froments recording of Le Boeuf sur le Toit.
At the time this article was written, the only known recording of the original tune was the one made by the Bloco Artístico band. Here is an excerpt.
Tereza PineschiIn 2005, the singer Tereza Pineschi released the CD O Teu Grammophone É Bão (Pôr do Som/Atração atr37016), with a repertoire of polkas, maxixes, and lundus, including Sou Batuta* (listen online). Unlike Bloco Artísticos plodding rendition, Ms. Pineschis recording does justice to the lively lyrics, written for the singer to brags of his/her prowess at dancing the maxixe.
In December 2012, pianist Alexandre Dias recorded this version.
Sou Batuta....
Letra de José Eloy
Musica de Marcello TupynambáUm maxixe, bem dançado,
O prazer sabe excitar,
Quem o dança apaixonado
Fica logo palpitar...Maxixando bem a geito
Co' uma dama appetitosa
Eu a junto contra o peito
E minh'alma inteira gosaSou batuta, sou batuta,
Sou batuta no dançar
Eu não sou nenhum recruta
Quando quero maxixar!Sou batuta, sou batuta,
Sou batuta no quebrar
Sempre tenho bôa conducta
Maxixando c'o meu parQuando eu ouço, entusiasmado,
Um maxixe alguem tocar,
Fico logo enfeitiçado
Com vontade de quebrar...E, quando eu entro na dança
Só se ouve, só se escuta;
Quebra, requebra, não cança
Que tu és mesmo batuta!Sou batuta, sou batuta,
Sou batuta no dançar etc.
= = =
* Tip by Alexandre Dias.
The Bloco Artístico recording was furnished by Roberto de Azevedo.
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