A Brazilian folly by
Daniella Thompson

Carnaval by J. Carlos

João Gilberto
The Man Who Invented
Bossa Nova

My Radio Programs
on KPFA 94.1 FM

On the Sherlockian trail

Magazine Articles
Essays, interviews
and critiques

Disc & Book Reviews
Noteworthy releases
2010  2009  2008 
2007  2006  2005 
2004  2003  2002 

Entrevistas & Depoimentos
Os artistas falam
de sua obra

O Pessoal da Velha Guarda
Transcrições dos
programas de
rádio de Almirante


Daniella Thompson on Brazil
The magazine of
Brazilian music
and culture

The Boeuf Chronicles
How the ox got on the roof:
Darius Milhaud and the
Brazilian sources of
Le Boeuf sur le Toit

As Crônicas Bovinas
Como o boi subiu no telhado:
Darius Milhaud e as
fontes brasileiras de
Le Boeuf sur le Toit

Stokowski Stalked
Whatever happened to
the recordings of
Native Brazilian Music?

Stokowski Caçado
Por onde andam
as gravações de
Native Brazilian Music?

Praça Onze in Popular Song
A place of the imagination

Ary Barroso,
Giant of Brazilian Song

Website dedicated to
the great songwriter

Discographies +
Aracy de Almeida
Ary Barroso
Haroldo Lobo
Marcos Sacramento


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Copyright © 1997–2024 Daniella Thompson. All rights reserved.